Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Evenings belong to Downton!

Enjoyed the first episode of Season 4 with my grandfather's proper English Tea Set

I'm not sure if it's my Scottish Heritage (my mom was born and raised in Scotland) or just the fantastic writing and acting but whatever the reason, I am in love with Downton Abbey.  I started watching just prior to Season 3 and after the first episode, I was hooked.  I was so hooked that I actually binge watched the first two seasons in less than two weeks.  And that, my friends, was a problem.  The problem being that I had to wait an extraordinary amount of time for Season 3 to begin.  I got through it, but it wasn't pretty.  Now, here we are at Season 4 and I'm still loving it.  Some people feel that it's moving too slowly but I guess with so much loss and excitement in Season 3, I was ready for things to slow down a bit.  I am not quite ready to lose anymore characters as I'm still trying to accept the fact that Matthew Crawley is gone.  My only gripe with Downton is that the season seems entirely too short and it tends to take entirely too long before the next season begins.  And...while I'm on a bit of a tear,...why does the U.S. have to wait so long after the U.K. to see it?  Hardly seems fair!  

If you are a Downton Fan, what did you think of Season 4?  Did it move too slow or just right?

Perhaps I was in denial but until this very moment, I hadn't realized tonight's two-hour episode was the season finale.  Already counting the days until Season 5 begins....sigh.


  1. I didn't realize last night's episode was the finale either! It snuck up on me. Season 4 was okay, I, too, am still missing Matthew. I love that they tackled some tough subjects this year such as rape and grieving. I was disappointed in the ending last night. Hoping season 5 is better!

    1. Frankly, I was a little irritated that they called it a 2 hour finale when it was actually 1.5 hours and then 30 min of a sales pitch for PBS. I couldn't tell it was really over until it didn't come back on. Still, I love it - I just do! I agree with you though - I miss Matthew! ahhhhh!

  2. Haven't watched the last show... Maybe because it is the last show. :( Can't believe it is already over!!

    1. I don't blame you, Katie. We need more episodes in a season from them!
