Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Cleaning....the pantry

With the kids wrapping up their spring semesters, I've decided I'd better get my act together and dive into spring cleaning.  This is especially important to me this year because I have spent the last several months recognizing some things that we as a family, really need to improve upon.  The thought being that we all need to start some better habits that will hopefully go with the kids back to college, as well.  Dare to dream!

Yesterday, I started with the pantry.  I have to preface this by saying, I do clean out my pantry at least once/year....I really do!  That being said, for the life of me...I cannot figure out how we would have had things that expired well over a year ago.  It was awful!  I can't even tell you how much food we threw out because frankly, it's embarrassing.  Needless to say, it was quite an emotional experience for me.  The amount of money I was throwing away made me sick.  Knowing that I couldn't donate the food to someone who really needed it, made it even worse.  Oh yes, the days of going to Whole Foods with my youngest - without a list, are behind us!  This family needs to make changes - real quick.

no...this is not my pantry!  ;)

Perhaps it would not have impacted me in such a way, had I not thrown away so many trash bags filled with food.  I decided to take a deep breath, forgive myself and vow to make changes.  I'm now looking into all the things we can do to stop being so wasteful.
I'm not saying I'm now a  different person but I do think I will look at things much differently.  Do you have any tips?

On a happier note, it's FRIDAY!!!  Happy Friday to you!  

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how many things were expired when we made our move! Have a wonderful weekend and happy cleaning!
